fredag den 27. maj 2011

charity crocheted cupcakes - all recommended:)

I jagten på hæklede cupcakes mønstre, faldt jeg over denne fantastiske side, som er 100% velgørende! Norma Lynn hækler selv og modtager gerne nørklerier, som sælges på siden, og al indtægt går ubeskåret til sårbare dyr  og mennesker. Hun støtter organisationer som Animal Place, RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), Madam Curi Cancer og CLIC (Cancer and Leukemia in Childhood).

Hvis ikke det er "a charity match maid in heaven", så ved jeg godt nok ikke hvad:) Her kan man med god samvittighed købe sig gul og blå i smukke cupcakes! God appetit;)

Norma Lynn skriver således selv om siden:

The birth of my crochet ability happened in 2002 and since, 

I've found instant gratification making scarves and 
accessories for friends and family.  My craft is now channeled 
to solely benefit charities.  

I am a  non-profit quasi-middlewoman helping to raise funds 
for non-profit organizations and the reward is fourfold: 
crocheting is therapeutic; making a contribution to charity is 
self-fulfilling as well as improves the welfare of the 
environment, people and animals; and the latter makes me 
happier each time!  

Every cake is 100% cotton, handmade and crocheted by me.  
It's also my way of being able to enjoy sweets while skirting 
the calories, though I instantly succumb to chocolate-dipped 
organic strawberries.  I hope you enjoy the guilt-free cakes as 
much as I enjoyed making them!

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